

如您所见,该接口看起来与JavaDelegate非常相似。有一个execute方法带有DelegateExecution和一个新的AsyncTaskInvoker。AsyncTaskInvoker是一个新接口,可用于安排Flowable维护的公共共享线程池上的工作。但是,您可以根据需要使用自己的实现,甚至可以重用从所使用的库返回的CompletableFuture(例如,Elasticsearch的Java API,MongoDB等)。


public class LongRunningJavaDelegate implements FutureJavaDelegate {

    public CompletableFuture execute(DelegateExecution execution, AsyncTaskInvoker taskInvoker) {
        // This is running in the same transaction as the process instance and is still possible to set and extract data from the execution
        String input = (String) execution.getVariable("input");
        // The taskInvoker is a common invoker provided by Flowable that can be used to submit complex executions on a new thread.
        // However, you don't have to use it, you can use your own custom ExecutorService or return a CompletableFuture from your own services.
        return taskInvoker.submit(() -> {
            // This is running on a new thread. The execution shouldn't be used here.
            // There is also no transaction here. In case a new transaction is needed, then it should be managed by your own services
            // Perform some complex logic that takes some time, e.g. invoking an external service
            return "done";

    public void afterExecution(DelegateExecution execution, String executionData) {
        // This is running in the same transaction and thread as the process instance and data can be set on the execution
        execution.setVariable("longRunningResult", executionData);





public class LongRunningJavaDelegate implements MapBasedFlowableFutureJavaDelegate {

    public Map execute(ReadOnlyDelegateExecution execution) {
        // The execution contains a read only snapshot of the delegate execution
        // This is running on a new thread. The execution shouldn't be used here.
        // There is also no transaction here. In case a new transaction is needed, then it should be managed by your own services
        // Perform some complex logic that takes some time, e.g. invoking an external service
        Map result = new HashMap<>();
        result.put("longRunningResult", "done");
        // All the values from the returned map will be set on the execution
        return result;






但是,借助V6架构和我们最近进行的重构,这变得容易实现。所有的操作都在一个议程中计划(所有引擎,BPMN / CMMN / DMN /…都是这样工作的),这使我们可以计划一些特殊的操作,这些操作将在议程没有剩余时检查未来是否已经完成正常运作。这样,就可以继续执行已在议程上计划的其他并行流程。一旦没有其他正常操作,我们将执行一项操作,直到任何一个计划的期货完成(保持交易未完成)之前,该操作都将阻塞。这个未来的完成将允许在议程上计划新的正常操作,然后可以执行该操作。这将一直持续到我们进入等待状态,并且在此事务中不再执行任何其他类型的操作(包括期货)。



回到引言中的示例,我们使用了HTTP任务。在Flowable 6.6+中,默认情况下,不使用这种真正的并行方法执行HTTP任务。我们决定保持这种方式,以确保所有当前正在运行的进程的执行顺序保持不变,并为您提供控制权,以决定您希望它们在同一线程中执行还是在新线程中执行。为此,我们添加了新的BPMN和CMMN扩展属性flowable :parallelInSameTransaction,可以将其设置为true以使用新的并行方法执行HTTP Task。如果没有设置该属性,然后在全球defaultParallelInSameTransaction从HttpClientConfig在BPMN和CMMN发动机配置来决定它应该如何执行。

我们目前正在制定基准测试,以向您展示Flowable HTTP Tasks的真正并行执行与同步并行执行之间的区别。我们还在尝试使用HTTP NIO和Spring WebClient来实现更高的吞吐量。

